woensdag 27 april 2011

Ear, Ear, Ear

so I started on the ear ... how I underestimated the complexity of this shape... I took me several attempts, but eventually, I found a way to work that I felt comfortable with, and Im quite happy with the resulting topology.

I based my technique on the methods shown in the book "Stop Staring" By Jason Osipa, a book I can highly recommend when you're looking for information on modelling heads, and also animating them! (Available on Amazon). Many thanks to Edwin for suggesting this book to me!

I didn't follow the book to the letter, because the Ear I was going for had a slightly different shape then the one made in the book. Anyway, time to show off my stuffs!

This is my first basic shape, from where I started:

The main thing that was new for me, were Edgeloops that looped back into themselves, which requires some more manual tweaking, as it confuses the f* out of Maya's tools.

Once I had this down, I just extruded some edges down and winged it from where, ...

And the final shape. The backside of the ear is fairly straightforward

Then, on to stitching this thing to the ear, the stage I'm currently at! I've managed to stitch the back of it, but the front edge is having to much detail for the 2 edges on my head model. I will either have to merge some endpoints on the ear, of add more detail to my head. I think me solution will be somewhere in the middle.

Also got some funky shapes when smoothing my mesh, not sure if that really needs fixing, but it's feeling a bit off anyways ... might come back to that later. Still need to fix up the head after adding the extra loops on top and in the back of the head to support the edges coming out of the ear. 

Still lots of work to do, see you next time!

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